Septic tanks to any recreational vehicles.
Odours can be a problem for Septic tanks, RVs, yachts, or cruisers. Hycura will reduce or eliminate odour-causing compounds. Maintaining and emptying your sewage system on a regular basis is an unglamorous but necessary part of any adventure. In the mountains, on the ocean or at the cabin, Hycura will take care of treating and maintaining your sewage system or recreational sewage tanks wherever you are.
Each situation requires a different amount to clean and restore backed up and clogged systems, depending on the severity of the problem increase dosage may be needed until the system is free flowing. There is no formula or equation to determine dosage for every problem tank or system, as there are many aspects and variables to take into consideration. Some factors include:
- Size of septic tank
- Number of people supported by the system
- Use of cleaning agents, bleaches and antibiotics

Hycura - Septic and Recreational Tank Treatment (SP)
AVOID MAJOR REPAIRS – FIX IT RIGHT, THE FIRST TIME: Don’t risk COSTLY DAMAGES using traditional toilet pipe cleaner or tank treatment. Clients say our industrial grade septic treatment is frequently THE LAST & ONLY stop that helped them avoid costly repairs after trying septic tank treatment bacteria – so go ahead, Click Add to Cart and fix your drainage issues the right way.
WHY IT WORKS BEST – BILLIONS ALL-NATURAL, ENVIRONMENTALY FRIENDLY septic tank treatment bacteria per scoop, quickly and effectively BREAK DOWN & LIQUIFY starches, proteins, carbohydrates, animal fats, vegetable fats and organic waste – for a clean, clear, smooth running system you don’t have to think twice about using.
THE ULTIMATE DRAIN OPENER - ULTRA VERSATILE septic bacteria enzymes rapidly dissolves organic matter blocking your systems, making it the ideal septic tank cleaner treatment, cesspools treatment, bacteria enzyme sink treatment, RV tank cleaner, yacht or cruiser treatment, overloaded systems treatment, and the FASTEST way to UNCLOG slow or blocked pipes, pumps, or leach and drain fields backed up with organic material.
TRUSTED BY THE EXPERTS, INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH – MUNICIPAL PLANTS across the USA and Canada swear by our industry strength bacteria enzymes to keep entire major cities from overflowing raw sewage into the streets. We meticulously and continuously TEST our HYCURA leach field formulation for SAFETY, POTENCY, POWER & EFFECT, so you know it works to clear your clogs – every time – without question.
POWERFUL TREATMENT – USE THE WHOLE package of septic safe bacteria by following the directions for your specific tank size - down to the last granule – it will work for you. Simply scoop, flush, and watch as the problems dissolve away. (See description for USE instructions)
Suggested Dosage & Treatment
This is a basic guideline for treating any small sewage system that are experiencing problems. You should at a minimum use the following chart as a guide for treating problem systems, based on a 1000 gallon tank.
Maintenance applications
Use 1 scoop per week
Little to no accumulation
Use 1 scoop per day for 7 days, then return to maintenance dose rates.
Medium to heavy accumulation
Use 4 scoops per day for 7 days, then use 6 scoops per week for up to 4 months then return to maintenance dose rates.